Bandwidth Concerns:

Palm Beach Tan was looking at many different signage options, but eventually chose Salonsense TV because they wanted a system that wouldn’t interfere with their bandwidth during the day. Using CDN
technology, Salonsense scheduled downloads between the hours of 1AM-5AM and only played content locally off the Mini-PC to avoid adversely impacting the point of sale system.
Ease of Installation:
A chief concern of Palm Beach was simplifying the on-boarding process, as they would be relying on individual salon owners and managers to complete the installations of their Custom Branded PBTv Mini-PC’s on their TV’s. In order to help with this process, Salonsense preconfigured all of the devices prior to shipping with each location’s wi-fi setting and location ID so that all the owners had to do was plug the device into power and to the TV. As a result, the installation process took less than 10 minutes.
Custom Branded Theme and Packaging:
Palm Beach really liked that they could customize Salonsense TV by branding it PBTv. They also liked that they could feature more than one message on the screens at a time. This meant that they could show entertainment content while also advertising one of their monthly promotions. They also had the ability to customize their packaging, Mini-PC, and remotes with the PBTv brand.
Entertaining Content: